Crazy or Conscientious?

Yeah, yeah.  I know, I said I wasn’t going to talk about my dogchild too much on my blog.  I’m sorry, but how can I deny this face some attention on the internets?  Poor Sophie, there’s a possibility that her mama’s slightly insane.  I’m either very conscientious of her safety or this dog has made me crazy.  I prefer the first.  However, you are free to make your own decision based on the following examples.

Point in Case #1:  Sophie stays in the kitchen during the day while I’m at work.  I won’t use my crockpot during the week because I’m scared that it will burn my house down while Sophie’s in the kitchen.  So, if I’m crocking something….I load it up and take it to work and plug it up there.  Now, not once in my life have I ever heard of a crockpot burning someone’s house down.  But, I’m not taking any chances since Dogchild is inside.  Before I had her, I would set it and forget it without ever thinking that it might burn the joint down.

Point in Case #2:  Say I’ve got Sophie in the car with me and I stop to pick up some takeout or run in the gas station for a losing scratch off.  Normal people crack the window.  Well, I remove my clicker from the key ring so I can keep the car running, and lock the door while I go inside.  Want to know why?  Because all I can think is that if I have the windows cracked, somebody could just use a coat hanger and unlock the door and steal my dog.  You know, because people do that.

Lord help me when I have a real child….

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Tracy Eddy
    Mar 04, 2012 @ 22:08:23

    You are definitely insane!! So happy you are back to blogging.


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